Welcome to my blog :)


Wednesday 28 April 2010

I'm Carla. I'm 19 years old. I'm a veterinarian student of the University of Chile.
I love the animals!!. I have got 3 dogs 8 cats and 3 guinea pigs.
Besides spend time with my pets I love football, my favorite team is University of Chile.
Other thing I like to do in my spare time to play football, dance and listen to music. I love to hip hop.
Any other information you want to know about me feel free to ask me through this blog.


feñajimenez said...

I love your template blogger
it´s so cute :)

Carla_Lemus said...

Thanks for your comment
your blog is very nice too

Anonymous said...

your blog is really nice, I love it!!!

Gino Alessandro said...

Hi carli ..
how are you?
well, I am very hurry for I have study for animal behavour..
lucky lucky for tomorrow.. and looking the paradise for "capita" or "Luz Clarita"


Nicole Butto said...

hi carla! tje picture whit your cat is very nice!

Carla_Lemus said...

Hi thank you very much for yours comments and thanks Gino for wishing me luck on the test, excuse my delay in return the post, but my hand injury prevented me from using the computer.

miri85 said...

very nice blog!! i like your cat's picture! see you!

Ariel Allende said...

carla nice blog, you are right with the ideas about
Veterinary ...

see you in the u

Rodrigo said...

Hello Carla.

Nice blog, i can.t change my template´s blog yet.
I have a cuestion: ¿ who is makita ruz reveco?.
You would put some to music in your blog.

Bye bye, see you.

Carla_Lemus said...

Hi Rodrigo
She is my companion, I hope you can change the template

Bye bye

Nikito said...

nice blog
I don't see you at uni
are you sick?
I hope that you are fine


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