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Thursday 24 June 2010

My Dream Job

All the career give a wide range of jobs. All the peoples have a dream job

Although I have no very clear to the area that I want to dedicate
But I would like to work in a clinic or in ground with horses or cattle.
I do not like production

Clinic attracts me because I have always had many pets especially dogs and cats.
Besides exotic animals like guinea pigs or rabbits, also sympathize me and I find it very easy to handle and a clinical examination.
These animals are very happy and very friendly, and able to help all animals makes me feel good.
Horses and the cattle always liked and I generate a lot of respect, so I would like to specialize in them and know about their behavior and diseases

I like that very much the idea to the work in a ground because somtimes I think that work all day and every day in a clinical I would find it a bit boring and stressful.
In the other hand work in a country side allows me asist different animals in differents places and know the know the different life histories of rural people
because their lives are very different from ours, are much more slaughtered.

As you can see I have two areas that I love and that is why I find it so difficult to decide for a I hope that the classes I have left during the race but let me choose what I want to continue the rest of my working life.
Although either of these two areas would not be bad.

Thursday 17 June 2010

My Favourite Subject

I think is an exciting field because it is the basis of our career
We should handle well their structure
Otherwise we won't attend the animals as they deserve
Knowing your anatomy will allow carry out all the procedures they need from a single vaccine to complex surgery.

Why is my favorite subject ?
This subject is very entertaining and interesting, the practical activities despite being somewhat complex are the best to learn, because if you only read a book the structures are not than easy to learn

Another reason that led me to choose Anatomy is this subject is the only that is closest to the carrer, that is not so theoretical.

How is the class?
Classes consist of a theoretical class and then performs the practical class Corresponding to the class the previous week.

At the start of practice the teacher gives an explanation of all the samples that we study, and then based on the guide we continue to make our study.

Wednesday 9 June 2010

My Favourite Website

One of my favorites websites is:


This is the website of PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment Of Animals), which is one of the biggest sailing organizations for animal rights. PETA now has over 2 million members.

PETA's interest is focused on four areas in which most animals are suffering more and consistently. These areas to be discussed include factory farms, the apparel market, the laboratories and the entertainment industry.

They have a way of working which is primarily to educate, investigate animal abuse and rescue. Also used by celebrities who support their cause, to campaigns and peaceful protests.

Usually I visit the website once a week. On occasions have visited during the week because I have to study and sometimes I have something else to do. Do not visit this site as soon as they are not updated regularly.

I like the PETA's website and that I can keep informed of all news dealing with animals, either on its abuse or activities such as peaceful demonstrations and more. I can also hear about the advances that are making on animal rights. In this website I can also see videos and related products with the animals.

Thursday 27 May 2010

Oso kung fu

Wednesday 12 May 2010

Copa Libertadores 2010 Flamengo 2 v/s 3 Universidad de Chile PARTIDO

Veterinary Medicine

For me this is the biggest race where is required sacrificed and people not look so good in our country. Furthermore, it is a difficult race, because we have to study the same or more than medicine students.
Since I was little I liked this race because I have always had pets and I love animals.
I chose this career for vocation and for the love I feel to them and i think can do something to help them, too. This is what motivates me to continue studying in the University of Chile, because this is the institution with more prestige in my country and when I visited the university before to enroll me in the carrer, I found it is a nice place for studing.

Wednesday 28 April 2010

I'm Carla. I'm 19 years old. I'm a veterinarian student of the University of Chile.
I love the animals!!. I have got 3 dogs 8 cats and 3 guinea pigs.
Besides spend time with my pets I love football, my favorite team is University of Chile.
Other thing I like to do in my spare time to play football, dance and listen to music. I love to hip hop.
Any other information you want to know about me feel free to ask me through this blog.